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Setting Expectations with Tuning Forks

I am writing this post in response to feedback I received regarding the Solfeggio tuning forks.

Tuning forks need to be used on a regular schedule and you should try to use them over a long period, many months at least. I find that twice a day is a good start. Depending on which set you are using, anywhere from one minute to fifteen minutes is all that is needed. This is very important. I suspect that most people who work with tuning forks try them for a few weeks then set them aside. I was one of those people when I first started with tuning forks. The people who have used them consistently report back remarkable results including the one 101 year old man with such poor circulation in his feet that he was always in pain. His nurse used the Otto 128 on his legs every day and after three months the pain nearly gone. He said that it did flare up occasionally but the tuning forks definitely helped.

Whenever I receive positive feedback on the results of tuning forks, it is always with people who have used them regularly for months at a time.

Unweighted tuning forks are harder to measure because most people are usually not paying attention to how they feel emotionally or mentally at any given moment. Unweighted tuning forks can help to change attitudes and bring awareness to fears and long held beliefs and expectations. Do we recognize when a belief is changed or when we are suddenly not as afraid of something as we used to be? Probably not. If we do, can we definitely say that it was because of the Solfeggio or other tuning fork set. No but over the years I have heard from practitioners who believe exactly that. The use of the tuning forks has helped them or their clients break through health issues or answer emotional or spiritual questions. I was once asked by a colleague to do a session using the Solfeggio for a friend of hers. She was having a lot of physical problems and had spent years in a bad work environment. I had never met this person before. About 6 weeks after the session the physical issues she was experiencing subsided and she received a new job and a promotion. Do you think the Solfeggio help bring this about?

The problem with sound therapy is that it is not quantifiable. This is why I am always careful when relating what I and others have experienced with the use of tuning forks. I do not want to set expectations for others. It is pretty easy to connect weighted tuning forks to the relief of pain or immediately noticing a calmness when listening to the weighted or unweighted sets. What is not easy is recognizing a change in long standing beliefs and fears which is typically what the Solfeggio and other tuning fork sets address.

On the subject of quantifiable results, I recently injured my foot while hiking. I went to see a physical therapist and an acupuncturist. The insurance company monitored the physical therapy sessions very closely. I had to be evaluated every five sessions. After each evaluation I was allowed fewer sessions between evaluations until they finally said no more sessions, I should be better now. On the other hand, the insurance company allowed as many acupuncture sessions as I wanted. Why? Because western medicine and insurance companies do not know how to quantify acupuncture so they allow an almost unlimited number of sessions. They can’t say definitively that it works, yet. When they can quantity it you can bet they will limit the number of visits.